Picture This!
October 17, 2005
Everything old is new again. Remember the photo booth? You
and your best friend or “significant other” would squeeze inside and make goofy
pictures? You figured digital cameras and Polaroid’s had done them in? Me, too.
Well, they’re experiencing a come-back of sorts, as one part of Picture Marketing’s personalized advertising campaigns. Their website describes it as, “Picture Marketing In-a-Box™, an all-in-one solution that brings the benefits of true one-to-one marketing to businesses of all sizes. Picture Marketing enables businesses to create, manage and measure advertising campaigns that deliver personalized brand experiences.”
Now, the idea of putting the customer inside the ad isn’t a
new concept, per se. (Think, getting your picture taken with NASCAR driver,
Danica Patrick, in front of her car covered with sponsor logos.). But, Picture
Marketing-in-a-Box has figured out a way to offer a turnkey package for a
variety of branding experiences. For example, the Photo Booth photos are free,
after the customer has provided a brief survey of relevant information. And
making a free Photo Booth available to your customers definitely enhances the
customer experience in your business.
You have a camera, don’t you? You can design your own customer marketing campaigns. Something about a photo-op always draws a crowd.
I believe the photo idea is great and I think it would make your customers feel accepted and appreciated, at least that is how it would make me feel. I like it!
Posted by: Scott Cook | October 24, 2005 at 02:02 PM