Silent Messages
What Do Customers Want?

More Signs

No_shoes_sign_2 Remember those “No food or drink allowed in this store” signs. Someone must have figured out that seeing the word “No” upon entering the store wasn’t exactly an invitation to buy. Those signs, located mostly at the entrance to the anchor stores of malls – where the customers bought the food and drink in the first place – seemed to disappear overnight. I like what retail consultant Donna Geary has to say on the topic. The message behind these signs almost “screams at the customer, ‘Go away!””

   We may not have signs with the word “No” posted, but we can unintentionally deliver the same message. How about this one: “We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.” (Do you really have to post a sign to reserve that right?) Or, this one, taped to the front of the register: “ALL SALES FINAL.” That one always makes me re-think my decision to buy. Here's one seems to be a favorite in the wholesale industry. I've seen it behind more than one sales counter at eye level so the customer can't miss it. "Failure to plan on your part, doesn't constitute an emergency on our part." I know, I know - it's supposed to be funny. But it's really no joke -it's how the distributor feels.

    Geary suggests business owners take this test. Monday morning, or after you’ve been away from your business for a day or two, pretend you are a customer entering your store for the first time. Walk through the main entrance and pause as you look around the store. Slowly, count to seven and then close your eyes. That’s how long it takes to make a first impression. What are the images that remain in your mind’s eye after those seven critical seconds? What are the signs you remember seeing? The colors, the products, the displays? A sense of order and continuity or disarray and ambiguity? Either is fine as long as that’s the message you’re intending to send.

    My WOA partner and clever friend Michele Miller elaborates extensively on the importance of those first seven seconds in a marvelous blog, WonderBranding posting titled, "Opening Gestures." You'll want to read it, but I'll paraphrase from her last remarks and offer you a new sign. Consider posting it where you can see it every morning, "Improve the impression you make in those first 7 seconds and you'll improve your bottom line."


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