December 08, 2006
“Among retailers, Target, Kmart, Sears, J.C. Penney, Gap, and Wal-Mart top the list of stores consumers talk about most." From citing diary-based methodology
from Keller Fay
People aren’t just interested in value. They’re also
interested in Values – as in the values of the companies and individuals with
whom they do business.
In the first decade of this new century, “Core Values” have
replaced the “Mission Statements” of the nineties. Core values are those
unchangeable principles that define the character of an organization or
individual. Integrity, performance, quality, safety, and transparency are
examples of core value words. But, this isn’t a wish list of what you would
like for customers to believe about you. Remember, customers believe what you
do, not what you say.
Core Values are those unwavering standards that you would defend even if it cost you money. For instance, if you declare “customer satisfaction-guaranteed,” as a core value, then you will give an unsatisfied customer their money back even when it’s clearly their fault that the product or service failed. There are no, “yeah, but’s” or “what if’s.” If you aren’t willing to guarantee customer satisfaction even if it costs you money, then it isn’t a core value. Choose a different one.
If you haven’t listed your core values, take your time in
doing so. Give it some thought. Reflect. But set a deadline, or this time next
year you’ll still be reflecting. Make the new year your deadline for coming up
with seven core values - both personal and professional. Write them down. Share them with your co-workers. family, or
employees. Then spend the next year living into them. It will make a positive
difference in your level of service. And customers will talk.