The Spin-cycle Zone
March 09, 2006
I might have studied more if the college Laundromat had Wi-Fi back in the day.
Okay, probably not, but isn’t that a great idea? One of those hated chores, spending the afternoon doing laundry with strangers, suddenly is transformed into a productive experience. The sound of the machines creates a white noise while you surf the ‘net, catch up on email, IM, or – yes –even study. (I have no personal experience to confirm this, but my son told me that kids today really do use the Internet to help with their homework. But, then he also used to tell me he was going over to his girlfriend’s house to “study.” So… I dunno.)
Much has been written about "America's declining supply of 'third places.'" This innovative little Laundromat not only has created a third place, it also serves as an example of triggering word-of-mouth by providing a Generous offering to their customers.
A surprisingly large number of businesses haven’t caught on to the draw of offering free wireless Internet. I suppose the thinking is, “Well, that’s okay for the coffee shops, but our customers are diff-- blah, blah, blah.” Another instance of the business telling the customers what they want. Obviously, it’s only a matter of time before the panet is turned into global Wi-Fi. Wouldn’t it be better to offer your customers something now, when it isn’t widespread, as opposed to later, when your competitors will have it, too?
Speaking of Starbucks, this is an area where I think they’re behind the curve. Oh, they offer it, but they charge for it. Why? Yes, I’m sure they make a lot of money as a result of the deal, but they’re missing an opportunity to show customers their generosity.
Almost every day I see another "unlikely" business add free Wi-Fi to the Customer Experience.
Will I see it in yours?